Special Educational Needs at Spinfield School
SENDCo: Miss Beth Denton
Support for children with SEN and disabilities
Spinfield School is committed to providing Challenge For All pupils in order to ensure that every pupil, including those with SEND, achieves their full potential.
We believe all children have individual needs, strengths and talents which should be met through a challenging, enjoyable and enriched curriculum which provides opportunities for all children to work at their own level and pace. We recognise that many children may require additional support or additional challenge at some point within their learning journey.
We believe that all children should be equally valued in school. We strive to remove any barriers to learning which could hinder or exclude individual pupils with SEND. We believe all children should have the opportunity to flourish and feel safe. We support the development of the whole child, whilst valuing and celebrating the many and varied abilities displayed by all children.
Please click on the link to find our Special Educational Needs Policy