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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


The Spinfield School Governing Body is made up of parents, members of staff and members of the local community who are committed to the promotion of high standards of educational achievement.


In line with governance as published by Bucks County Council, our governing body is made up of 14 members.

Governors bring a wide range of experience, interests and skills to the role and a vast range of experience and qualifications.  More importantly, they bring enthusiasm and a vested interest in supporting our school.


The Governing body acts as a critical friend to the school and is responsible for its strategic direction, policy and overall management and has legal duties and responsibilities.  Governors work collectively and do not take individual responsibility.  The day to day management of the school rests firmly with the headteacher and school staff.


Governors are appointed to work in partnership with the headteacher and staff to:-

  • Promote high standards to education and attainment

  • Monitor aspects of the curriculum and the school policies

  • Promote the welfare of all the pupils, including those with special needs

  • Celebrate differences in heritage and faith, developing links with the wider community

  • Review and monitor the school development plan

  • Assist with recruitment of staff

  • Manage the school's budget and provide good value for money

Spinfield school governors have the chance to develop new skills, actively participate in meetings, ask challenging questions, make suggestions and work as part of our school team.  Governors are encouraged to visit their curriculum area leaders termly, reporting back on their findings.

