Information for Parents and Carers
Parents' Information
Welcome to Spinfield School. We are a one form entry, high achieving primary school in Marlow.
Visits to our school are warmly welcomed and we encourage you to contact the school office to organise a tour of our school.
Each term you will be sent a class letter which contains information about that term's learning and activities, including resources that your child may need. If you ever need to contact a class teacher you can do so via the class email and they will respond as soon as possible.
In the Autumn and Spring Terms parent teacher consultations are held. These are prearranged appointments where you are invited to discuss how your child is progressing at school.
We welcome parents who have time to come and help with various activities, e.g. reading, cooking, sewing, computing etc. All adults who work with children in school must have a disqualification and barring service check prior to them starting and attend a school led safeguarding workshop. Please obtain this paperwork from the school office. Spinfield has a confidentiality agreement that parents are expected to read and sign to ensure that parents have a clear understanding of their role in school. To read our confidentiality agreement and our emergency procedures, please see our policy page.
All parents belong to the Parents' Association. This organisation runs a number of events each year, e.g. Discos, Quiz Nights, Summer Fayre, Christmas Fair etc. to raise funds for the school. The money received from these events is spent on projects jointly chosen by the PA committee and school, making a big difference to the facilities that are available to the children. Over the past years, the PA has been responsible for refurbishing the library, providing the wooden play apparatus and supporting the school's computing provision. The committee is elected at the AGM in the Autumn term and more details of its events and operation can be found in the dedicated PA section of the Parents' Area.