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Meet our Governors

Name: Keith Spence

Position: Chair of Governors

Committees/Responsibilities: Chair Performance Management, Academy, Pay Review, SEND, Pupil Premium

Date Appointed: 20/11/2018

Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 20/11/2026

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%


I graduated from Leeds University in 1971 with a degree in Chemical Engineering. Initially working for Monsanto Chemicals, I then moved into the food industry working for Imperial Tobacco Foods and Mars Confectionery for 12 years. My Mars experience led me into Mars Electronics and from there I joined RM Education for nearly 30 years, working in many roles including Manufacturing Director, Information Systems Director and Services Director. RM being the leading supplier of Software and Services to UK education gave me the opportunity to work with many schools and local authorities. I retired after 46 very happy and enjoyable years in 2017.


​My wife Sue and I moved to Marlow in 1975 and we have lived here since bringing up our two boys Tim and Matt who are now both married to Laura and Maidlin respectively and who also live in Marlow. We are very blessed to have six grandchildren who have either been to or are currently at Spinfield School.


Spinfield is an excellent school and I feel very privileged to be a Governor with an opportunity to give something back. In addition to being Chair of Governors I have responsibility for SEND and Humanities as well as being attached to a year group which gives me a wonderful insight into the children’s life at school.


Name: David Hollywood

Position: Co-opted Governor

Committees/Responsibilities: Chair of Resources, MFL, PE

Date Appointed: 1/11/24

Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 31/10/28

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%


Born and brought up in Glasgow, I trained as a Chartered accountant.  After qualifying in 1969, I joined the KPMG international career development programme, which took me to Detroit, USA, and Brussels, Belgium

My wife, Helen and I came from Brussels to live in Marlow in 1976.  Our residence in Marlow was fractured by career moves to Cleveland (USA )and  San Francisco (USA) but we always retained a house in Marlow  We have now lived in Marlow non stop since 1984.

We have two daughters, both of whom attended Spinfield school.

I became a Spinfied governor in 2016 and have held positions of Chair of Resources and Chair of the governing body before retiring in summer 2023

I have rejoined as a Governor in late 2024 and taken on the Resources Chair.

Name: Alex Bone

Position: Vice Chair of Governors, Curriculum Learning & Teaching

Committees/Responsibilities: Safeguarding & Child Protection, Academy,  LA Governor

Date Appointed: 7/7/2021

Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 6/7/2025

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 83%


Having previously been a Governor at an Infant school, I was delighted to join the Governing Board at Spinfield School in 2021.   I am a serving Officer in the Royal Air Force and settled, with my young family, in Marlow during 2017.   With a background in operational command and leadership, strategy and planning, I look forward to supporting and championing the continued success of Spinfield School, allowing staff and students to achieve their full potential and goals. 

I am Chair of the Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Committee, and the lead Governor for Safeguarding. 


Name: Rob Heerdegen

Position: Co-opted Governor

Committees/Responsibilities: Curriculum Teaching & Learning, Resources, EYFS, ICT

Date Appointed: 

Term of Office: 

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%


Becoming a Governor is an exciting privilege, and I’m thrilled to join the team.  As a father to an energetic toddler, albeit not school-age yet, I’m incredibly motivated to roll up my sleeves and support Spinfield school and the wider community we are so lucky to have here in Marlow. I am not an educator myself, as for nearly 20 years, my career has been in the private sector, working for a broad range of software companies in either direct sales, sales management, or other commercial supporting roles.  These companies have ranged in size and complexity from large corporates to small start-ups, but each of them has developed a novel solution needed across various industries. For example, one developed an AI-enabled software that impacts health outcomes by reducing wait times whilst also increasing therapy effectiveness. Another developed a mobile-first platform technology that is used by thousands of skilled engineers and technicians to maintain our world’s most mission-critical devices and infrastructure, such as power stations, medical diagnostic equipment or air and rail transport.  As enriching as this has been, outside of work, I strive to live an active life, typically activities that take me outdoors.  Be it hiking or skiing, there is no such thing as an offseason for me; I just have a healthy collection of all-weather gear!  Our 6-year-old cocker spaniel gets the most out of this, but since moving to Marlow, it is necessary to balance living so close to the UK’s most outstanding wine bars, cafes and restaurants!  So don’t be surprised to run into me trundling down the high street in hiking attire, having just climbed a Chiltern hill with a toddler strapped to my back, trying to also manage a dog!  I am also a proud Canadian, a brother to two incredible sisters, an uncle to three amazing boys, and the eldest son to parents who are originally from the UK and New Zealand.  My upbringing in Canada and life now in England with other family in Australia and New Zealand has always been unique to me. This, along with an international career working in Europe and Asia, has given me a global view of life that I hope will uniquely contribute to Spinfield's governing board, SLT, teacher, parent, and student community. 

Name: Bob Houghton
Position:  Co-opted Governor
Committees/Responsibilities: Resources, Science, Health & Safety
Date Appointed: 1/11/2024
Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 31/10/2028
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%


I have lived in Marlow for nearly 30 years and have two sons, now in their twenties, who were previously students at Spinfield School. I am keen to ‘give something back’ to support the school providing both time and energy. Now retired, I have over 32 years worth of experience in the packaging industry finishing my career as
marketing and communications director at Multi Packaging Solutions; a $2bn subsidiary of the globally US quoted business, WestRock. 
I have broad marketing background including event management, market research, investor relations, internal & external communication. My various roles have required the ability to plan and manage numerous ongoing tasks whilst maintaining tight control of external costs. For many years, I have also sat on the executive board of the UK industry body, BPIF Cartons. This trade association represents members with a turnover of £1bn and promotes the use of paperboard cartons to a wider audience.
I hope to use my experience and knowledge to support Spinfield School in whatever way I can.

I look forward to working with the team at Spinfield and fellow governors.

Name: Yas Manns

Position: Co-Opted Governor

Committees/Responsibilities: Curriculum Learning & Teaching, Religious Education, Maths

Date Appointed: 30/3/2022

Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 30/3/2026

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 83%


I completed my Masters from Loughborough University in 2007 in Electronics and Computer System Engineering and I worked as a hardware and software engineer for 4 years in Telecom before moving to management area at automotive industry. I now work in a private medical company which provide pathology and radiology databases to NHS. I have two children who both attend Spinfield and we have lived in Marlow since 2016.


I am very privileged that I have been accepted as a Governor at Spinfield school - since 2022 - as it is an excellent school and I have taken the responsibility and support of Early Years Foundation Stage and RE. Working with children is very rewarding and I am looking forward to watch them grow.

I have a strong background in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) which I would like to use and bring new ideas where possible to school and support them as much as I can within the community. 

Name: Eileen Shaw

Position: Co-Opted Governor

Committees/Responsibilities: Curriculum Learning & Teaching, Performance Management, Music

Date Appointed: 7/11/1996

Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 7/11/2026

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%


Appointed as a school governor at Spinfield in 1996 I continue to have the privilege of working with the members of the Governing Body team, Headteacher and school staff, serving on, and chairing, various sub-committees The best part of this role is actually when involved with the pupils – of differing age, ability, temperament, as they move up through the school and demonstrate their excitement as they master new learning and thrive on the social contacts.


I am passionate about schools offering a holistic educational experience to prepare every individual for their future lives – whatever their choice of direction – and ensuring support is available.    Relevant experience. Initially working in the Glass Industry following teacher training held posts at all levels – from class teacher, Head of Dept, Pastoral care (Trained Counsellor) and Deputy Head of large multi-cultural school. Awarded a number of secondments by Bucks LEA to enhance my understanding and share experience and run conferences and workshops for stakeholders, which included at County level serving as Development Officer for Education/Industry links and Country wide assisted in running the Teacher Placement Service, placing Teachers into industry and industrialists into schools.


Prior to retirement member of ‘Headteachers into Industry Scheme’ working for the Rail Industry. I have worked for the National Curriculum Council and other bodies with an educational focus including assisting schools achieve the Investors in People awards – Spinfield has this status.

Name:  Jane Marr

Position: Co-Opted Governor

Committees/Responsibilities:  Chair of Academy, Curriculum Teaching & Learning, Marketing, PSHE, International Schools

Date Appointed: 2/1/23

Term of Office: 4 years.  End date: 2/1/27

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 67%


Born and bred in Scotland, I graduated in 1985, with a degree in Media Studies.
Initially I worked for Aegon, where I was Marketing Communications Manager, before moving to London in 1994 to be Head of Marketing for National Australia Group.
I then moved into advertising with Publicis Groupe, as a Board Account Director, and latterly Managing Director of a subsidiary company. My clients and experience were many and varied, ranging from launching the Oyster Card to working with Wickes Plc, Manpower Group, Lloyds Bank Plc and LVMH, to mention but a few.
In early 2000s I was fortunate to own and run my own companies. An advertising services company called Smart from 2005–2012. Then most recently, By Alastair Little, an online premium food delivery business until 2021.
I’ve just completed my Certificate in Coaching at Cambridge University, and I am a member of the Association for Coaching. Just 10 Coaching is my coaching business, where I work with senior business leaders and entrepreneurs to help achieve their goals.
In the charity sector, I have worked with Business In The Community as an advisor, and as a trustee for the Warrior Program, who dealt with homelessness in the Armed Forces. It was my great honour to be a member of the Berkshire Adoption Advisory Service.
I am thrilled to become a governor for Spinfield School and look forward to working with the senior management team of the school, and other governors.


Name: John Rigg                                                                                                      Position: Parent Governor

Committees/Responsibilities: Resources, Curriculum Teaching & Learning, Assessment

Date Appointed: 11/1/24

Term of Office: 4 years.  End date: 10/1/2028

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%


Our family moved to Marlow from London in June 2021. We have rapidly fallen in love with all things Marlow - the community, amenities, countryside and, of course Spinfield school. We have two children at Spinfield, soon to be joined by a third. I am deeply honoured to be a governor at the school and look forward to helping further foster a culture of learning and well-being at the school.

I started my professional journey as an Economist, receiving by BA and PhD from Cambridge University. I remained in academia as a post-doc for several years, including at the London School of Economics. Amongst other things, I was engaged in research on social mobility, including the impact of early years education on later life outcomes, all of which served to further my interest on the critical role of schools in shaping many aspects of social fabric. 

Following my time in academia, I have held positions in various technology companies. Since 2013, I have worked at IQVIA, a large global company providing health technology and research to the life sciences and health sector. I am a Global AI Practice Lead, Head of an Innovation Hub and run a team responsible for developing and deploying AI solutions into health systems.

Name: Ben Smith

Position: Staff Governor

Committees/Responsibilities: Resources, GDPR, Academy

Date Appointed: 23/11/2022

Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 23/11/2026

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%


I have been a teacher at Spinfield since 2016.  I have taught across both key stages and am currently the lead for PE and modern foreign languages.  

Name: Joshua Clarke

Position: Associate Member

Committees/Responsibilities: Chair Pay Review & Literacy (English)

Date Appointed: 19/7/2024

Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 3/9/2028

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%


I joined the Governing Board of Spinfield School in 2021. I am currently Deputy Head of English at Furze Platt Senior School in Maidenhead, combining my time with the role of Chair of the Secondary Working Group for NATE (The National Association for the Teaching of English), and examiner for several national boards. I have an MA Ed. in Language and Literacy, as well as BA (hons.) Drama from the University of Exeter. I am the assigned governor for Literacy, Art & Design, and Year One. 

In my previous comprehensive school, in my home city of Plymouth, I led on the transition of primary school students to secondary school in English, focusing on how the Key Stage 3 curriculum might be designed to operate seamlessly from content taught in Years 5 and 6. At various times I also taught Drama and Music, as well as establishing a Classics department from scratch, and taking a number of students from beginners' level right through to A-Level in Latin. My experience as whole-school coordinator for Gifted, Talented and More Able students also generated a keen belief in how our encouragement of the students in our care should be limitless. 

It is a privilege to have joined such an excellent school and Governing Board, and I look forward to making a positive contribution. 

Name: Neil Martin

Position: Associate Governor

Committees/Responsibilities: ICT, Equalities, Academy

Date Appointed: 7/12/2016

Term of Office: 4 Years, end date10/12/2028

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Meetings Attended 2024: 100%



I joined the Governing Board in 2016 and currently have the responsibilities of Equalities Governor and Chair of the ICT Working Group. I live in Marlow with my wife and two daughters, with both my daughters currently benefitting from an education at Spinfield School.


I am a Chartered Accountant and currently work for a company that provides resources and technology to the Education and Assessment sector.

